FOI Request - Business Rates in Keith Area

Request 101003539215

1. Please can you provide me with the amounts of Business Rates you receive from ALL the power projects in the Keith and Keith area? This must include, Windfarms, Substations, grid Connections (Blackhillocks one & two) and Battery Farms. 

2. Also the expected increase in revenue due to ALL projects increasing in size.

Clarification sought and received 03-04-2024

Response 26-04-2024

1. The total amount of Non Domestic Rates income received from these projects, since they became liable, is £6,435,091.91.

2. Not held. The Grampian Assessors are the data-holders; we cannot predict any changes they may make. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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