FOI Request - School Attendance

Request 101003539580

For each of the below, please give the detail for the following academic years: 2018-19, 2021-22, 2022-23.

1.  For each of the above stated academic years, how many pupils were enrolled in a) primary school, b) secondary school, c) special school?

2.  For each of the above stated academic years, how many pupils enrolled in a primary, secondary or special school were a) eligible for free school meals, b) not eligible for free school meals?

3.  For each of the above given years, how many pupils enrolled in a primary, secondary or special school a) had additional support needs (ASN) b) did not have additional support needs (ASN)?

4.  For each of the above stated academic years, how many pupils had attendance figures of a) 90% or less b) 50% or less, broken down by i) primary; ii) secondary; iii) special school; iv) all children?

5.  For each of the above stated academic years, how many pupils had attendance figures of a) 90% or less b) 50% or less, broken down by i) pupils eligible for free school meals ii) pupils not eligible for free school meals?

6.For each of the above stated academic years, how many pupils had attendance figures of a) 90% or less b) 50% or less, broken down by i) pupils with additional support needs (ASN) ii) pupils without additional support needs (ASN)?

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