FOI Request - Security Services

Request 101003541009

1.  Who currently provides Security Services : - Manned Guarding, Alarms, CCTV, and or any other security services for the Council?

2.  What Security Services did the above win the contract for: i.e Keyholding, CCTV, Manned Guarding etc.

2.  When was the last time this opportunity went out to tender?

4.  When is the due date for the tender to be re-released?

5.  What is the annual Council Spend on these types of services?

6.  Who is the key responsible person – email address?

Response 26-04-2024

1. Bartec

2. Bartec was awarded the contract to service and carry out repairs to our CCTV and intruder alarm systems

3. 01/03/2023

4. 28/02/2025. With an option to extend for a further two years


2022-23              £13,612.99
2023-24              £15,653.41

2022-23              £5,594.75
2023-24              £7,951.39

6. Please note, staff details other that Heads of Service are exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. 

You can contact the team dealing with Security Services on

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