FOI Request - Section 202 Reviews

Request 101003545099

1.  How many section 202 reviews were successful in the annual year 2023? Please also give the number of section 202 reviews received.

2.  How many section 202 reviews were successful in the annual year 2022? Please also give the number of section 202 reviews received.

3.  How many section 202 reviews were successful in the annual year 2021? Please also give the number of section 202 reviews received.

4.  How many section 202 reviews were successful in the annual year 2020? Please also give the number of section 202 reviews received.

5.  How many section 202 reviews were successful in the annual year 2019? Please also give the number of section 202 reviews received.

Response 02-05-2024

1.-5. Not held. This request covers English legislation. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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