FOI Request - Children Gender at 4 Years of Age

Request 101003553139

Is Moray education using LGBT+ gender material for children of 4 years of age to find out their gender, including other genders outside Male /female  if so was this passed by councillors or pushed through by education department , and is it mandatory under Scotgov or is it voluntary

Response 13-05-2024

In order that children all feel valued on an equal basis, children of all cultures, religions, linguistic backgrounds and skills and abilities will be treated as individuals.

We are committed to equal opportunities and promote positive images of diverse cultures and communities and will do this through anti-racist and anti-discriminatory activities and resources.
• Respect the individuality of all children and adults involved in our service.
• Include children with additional support needs.
• Promote positive attitudes to difference and diversity and celebrate and teach children about other beliefs, cultures, religions and abilities.
• No child attending the nursery will be discriminated against.
• All children attending the nursery have a right to learn and play in an environment free from discrimination, prejudice, and harassment or bullying.
We will challenge any offensive behaviour or language with regards to race, class, sexuality, religion, culture, gender and disability. We will challenge any behaviour which reinforce stereotypes or which is in any other way derogatory to an individual. Our Approach to Privacy, Dignity and Respect

We preserve the dignity and respect of nursery children on a day to day basis by:

• Treating each child as a valued individual.
• Addressing every child with respect, involving the children in conversation and seeking their views.
• Offering a range of activities and tasks which enables each child to express themselves.
• Ensuring confidentiality of information; treating all information about children carefully, keeping it safe and sharing it only with those people who need to know.
• Making sure each child is treated with dignity, especially during changing and toileting.
• Involving children in decisions that affect them: actively encouraging children to express their views and where these cannot be taken into account, then explaining why.
• Giving opportunities for children to make their own choices.

We promote inclusion. We welcome and celebrate diversity and aim to create an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. The child is at the Centre of practice and we adopt child led, responsive planning to meet individual needs.

We strive to ensure individual children feel included and supported to promote a positive sense of self-esteem and sense of identity. We adapt the play environment and evolve it according to the changing needs and interests of all children. To help us do this we plan for each child’s individual care and learning requirements, adapting as necessary for additional or individualised needs.

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