FOI Request - Harmonised Timetable Structure

Request 101003554981

1. Does your local authority have a harmonised timetable structure across secondary schools in place for 2024/25?

2. Does this cover all, most or some schools within your local authority

3. Please give details of year groups for whom there is a harmonised column(s) in place

4. Please give specific details of period times associated with any harmonised timetable columns.

5. Any other relevant detail would be appreciated e.g. future aspirations

Response 13-05-2024

1. Across secondary schools we have a common 33 period week.  We moved to common asymmetric week for Secondary in 2018 following consultation activities in 2016/2017.

2. This covers all 8 of our Secondary Schools in Moray.

3. In Senior Phase there is a common column, S4-S6.

4. Period times in secondary schools within Moray are 50 minutes.

5. We continue to review our timetable structures as we look to potential national changes around class contact time for teachers, curriculum aspirations etc.

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