FOI Request - Chinese Funding at Forres Academy

Request 101003560234

1.  The amount, year, purpose, and provenance of each funding, if any, the school received from the Confucius Institute at the University College London or other UK universities from the academic year of 2005/06 to 2023/24. Please also provide details of any such funding received from Hanban (or the CLEC, Centre for Language Education and Cooperation). Please provide the information in an Excel document.

2.  If there is any of such funding, I shall be grateful if you can provide a copy of (a) the last agreement the school entered into with the respective Confucius Institute or Hanban for the establishment of the Confucius classroom; (b) the last funding or budget agreement the school has had with these authorities.

3.  The amount and year of funding, if any, the school received under the Mandarin Excellence Programme since its inception in 2016. Please break this down by year.

4.  A summary of each complaint the school has received over the delivery and content of the subject of Chinese, especially what was complained and how it was resolved. (Section 11 of FOIA allows a requester to ask specifically for a summary or a digest of particular information)

5.  A record of the number of Chinese teachers from Hanban (or the CLEC, Centre for Language Education and Cooperation) directly or through the Confucius Institute at the University College London or other UK universities.

6.  Photographs that include at the same time any Chinese officials and staff members of the school.

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