Development Plan - FAQs

What is the Development Plan?

The Development Plan is the document which contains planning policies and land use designations in towns and villages.

The current plan is the Moray Local Plan 2008

How do I find out which sites are designated for development in my town/beside my house?

View the town and village maps in the Moray Local Plan 2008

What are the planning policies that are applied to planning proposals (eg wind turbines; housing in the countryside; road access; environmentally sensitive sites etc?

Planning Policies are contained within the Moray Local Plan 2008

And  more detailed Supplementary Guidance has been prepared for a number of topics, which gives an explanation of how the planning policies will be applied.

What is the timetable for reviewing the Development Plan?

The timetable (which is updated annually) is contained within the Development Plan Scheme (PDF)

The current stage of the Review is the Main Issues Report

Do I need permission to cut down a tree/cut off a branch?

This will depend on a number of factors. It will be necessary to telephone or Email full details to

How can I find out if there is a Tree Preservation Order on trees in my garden or if my property is located within a Conservation Area?

This information can be obtained from the Environmental Layer on our GIS mapping system.

Alternatively it will be necessary to telephone or Email full details to

How can I find out about population statistics/unemployment rates for towns in Moray?

Census information for population totals can be found from Moray Information (PDF)

Unemployment information is provided in our Monthly Bulletin

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