FOI Request - Council Tax Debt

Request 101001393338

(1) What was the total amount of Council Tax debt owed by all Moray households, at the end of each financial year from 2003/04 to 2015/16?

(2)  What was the total amount of Council Tax debt (a) repaid and (b) written off during the course of each financial year from 2003/04 to 2015/16?  

(3)  With regard to the repayments stated in part (2), (a) how many of the households making repayments were doing so through a Debt Payment Programme (DPP), and (b) how much was repaid through a Debt Payment Programme?

(4)  How many objections to Debt Payment Programme proposals have the council made in each of the financial years from 2010/11 to 2015/16?  Please indicate how many of these were objections to (a) initial DPP proposals, and (b) proposals for variation of an existing DPP.


Suspended 23-01-2017. Clarification Sought. Received 24-01-2017.

Response 26-01-2017

1. Moray Council does not record the number of households in debt, only the monetary value. The outstanding amount as at the 31st of March of each respective year can be found Here

2. a) The amount repaid towards the debt outstanding for each financial year, in the following years, as at 31st March of each respective year is Here

(b) No money has been written off during any of the financial years.

3. (a) & (b) Moray Council has no unique identifier for accounts on a DPP within our Council Tax system, so are unable to give the number of households or amounts repaid.

(4) There have been no objections to Debt Payment Programme proposals. 

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