FOI Request Overseas Travel

Request 101001430591

Q) Please could you provide me with the complete details, including the cost to the council, of all foreign trips by council staff in the last three years.

Details should include destination, duration, hotel details, and the reasons behind the trip.

Please break this down by year and show the cost claimed back or used on expenses.

Request Suspended 16-02-2017 Clarification Sought. Received 16-02-2017

Response 13-03-2017

Councillor James Allan had the following overseas trips in the last 3 years:

10th-14th November 2016 to Goslar, Germany – total cost to Council was £296.28

7th-11th May 2015 to Landshut, Germany – total cost to Council was £187.03

As the Council’s Elected Member responsible for Twinning, both trips were in this capacity.

Other departments confirm the following File 1    File 2

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