FOI Request External Waste Contractors

Request 101001437572

I request the following information about the use of external waste collection contractors who assist with waste and recycling etc.
Can you please tell me:

1.  details of any external waste management contracts you currently have - including the name of the supplier
2.  the length of the contract and when it started and when it expires
3.  the annual average spend on the supplier - and for new contracts please estimate the annual average spend
4.  a brief description of what the contract includes - ie. services
5.  The person responsible for reviewing this contract - please send me their full name, actual job title, contact number and their direct email address.

Response 20-03-2017


Green & Food Waste, Green Waste

Keenan Recycling Ltd, New Deer

Contract Started 2015, 4yrs plus 1yr extended option Average Spend: £650,000



MKD32 Ltd, Chester

Contract Started 2015, 4yrs plus 1yr extended option Annual Average Spend: £9500



Wyllie Recycling, Perth

Contract Started 2015, 4yrs plus 1yr extended option Average Spend: £9500


5. Reviewing Contracts:

Steve Williamson

Waste Management Officer

Tel No: 01343 557041


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