FOI Request Food Seizures

Request 101001468546

I am interested in any food that has been either formally seized by your authority or voluntarily surrendered by a food business within your area since Jan 2015.  I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.  
1. No of formal seizures of food  (i.e. where a court formally condemned food)
2. No. of voluntary surrenders (where a food business agreed to voluntarily dispose of food)
3. No. of unsuccessful seizures (where the court refused to condemn)
For each seizure or surrender please provide the following:-
Description of what was seized/surrendered
Was it seized or voluntarily surrendered?
Reason for seizing/surrendering   (If a food was certified as not produced, processed or distributed in accordance with the Hygiene Regulations please detail why it was certified and more detail than just unfit/unsafe)
Were the foods subject to any examination/analysis by a food examiner or public analyst? If so please provide details and results
From whom were the goods seized?

Response 19-04-2017

1. 0

2. 24

3. 0

4. See information HERE in PDF format

5. No foods were subject to examination or analysis.

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