FOI Request AirBnB

Request 101001572452

1. A list of all Airbnb rentals made by your authority so far in 2017, and for 2016

For each record please provide:

a) the first half of the postcode (e.g. BS1, M4)
b) the dates rented
c) the cost, including any extra charges
d) the purpose of the stay

2. How many Airbnb rentals do you currently have on a retainer?

If you have any, for each one please provide the reason(s) why you have them on retainer.

3. How many reports have you received of Airbnb landlords allegedly letting their properties out for more than 90 days a year since January 1, 2016?

4. How many fines or other penalties have you levied to Airbnb landlords for letting their properties out for more than 90 days a year since January 1, 2016?

If you have levied any penalties, please state what they were including the amounts of any financial penalties.

Response 15-08-2017

All Council Travel and Accommodation bookings are made by the Travel Team - I can confirm that the Travel Team have never booked an AirBnB arrangement.

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