FOI Request Antisocial Behaviour

Request 101001674390

Could I request the following:
1. A copy of the latest revision of the council’s antisocial behaviour strategy as required under the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004.
2. The most recent assessment of the extent of occurrences of antisocial behaviour in the authority’s area, including breakdowns  of specific types.
3. The most recent assessment of the perception of local residents in relation to the prevalence of different types of antisocial behaviour within the area.
4. The number of acceptable behaviour contracts taken out by the local authority, broken down by the last three years.
5. The number of applications the local authority has made for (a) interim antisocial behaviour orders and (b) antisocial behaviour orders, broken down by the last three years.

Response 08-12-2017

1. The current working strategy is attached HERE   Although initially a 3 year plan, it has been subject to review and an updated strategy is in draft pending the implementation of the new Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP).  Accordingly we are continuing to operate as per attached strategy.  Once the LOIP is complete, our revised CS & ASB Strategy will be finalised.

2. Report to Council -

Performance Report - t

Customer Satisfaction Report -

3. This information is not available and is therefore exempt under Section17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Available. 

4. 2015/16 – nil

2016/17 – four

2017/18 – three

5. a – nil,   b – nil

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