FOI Request - Local Authority Planning Decisions

Request 101003017448


1) The number of appeals against local authority planning decisions that were overturned by the Scottish Government in the local authority. Please provide this information for the financial years of 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and so far in 2021-22.

2) If possible, the location and type of each development where the Scottish Government overturned the local authority planning decision. Please provide this information for the financial years of 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and so far in 2021-22


Response 30-03-2022

2017-18 - 2 Planning applications allowed
2018-19 - 1 Amenity Enforcement Notice allowed & 1 High Hedge notice varied
2019-20 - Advertisement appeal allowed & 3 Planning applications
2020-21 - 1 Listed Building Appeal allowed, 1 Certificate of Lawful use Certificate allowed, 1 Planning application & 1 S.36 application in part
2021-22 - 1 notice of intention to allow

All information can be viewed through link below:

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