FOI Request - Housing Stock Repainting

Request 101003309228

1. The average frequency with which you repaint the exterior of the homes that you own.

2. The number of homes that you own that you repainted the exterior of in the financial year 2022/23.

3. The number of homes that you own that you repainted the exterior of in the financial year 2022/23 using graphene paint.

4. The number of homes that you own that you repainted the exterior of in the financial year 2022/23 with fungicidal anti-damp paints other than graphene.

5. The number of homes that you own that you repainted the exterior of in the financial year 2022/23 using conventional paint.

6. The expenditure on repainting the exterior of the homes that you own in the financial year 2022/23 including (if recorded) a breakdown of the cost of paint, labour and scaffolding.

7. The expenditure on remedying or treating damp and/or mould in the homes that you own in the financial year 2022/23.

Response 30-05-2023

1. 7-yearly.

2. 80 (programme delayed) to woodwork areas only using Demidek

3. Nil.

4. Nil

5. Nil

6. £26k (no breakdown available)

7. £29,121.85 (as enclosed breakdown)

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