FOI Request - Housing Related Support

Request 101003364088

Please may you provide me with:
• Information on the service your authority provides for vulnerable people in need of housing related support, aimed at helping them live independently (a service similar to the Supporting People Programme - known as Floating Support in some areas);

Please supply the following information for each of these years: 2021, 2022 and 2023

1. Do you continue to provide a service similar to the Supporting People Programme - known as Floating Support in some areas - a service for vulnerable people in need of housing related support, aimed at helping them live independently?  (Yes or No)
2. If yes - What is your annual budget for this service? (£/year)
3. What is the contract length for the existing program? (years)
4. When does your current commissioning contract end? (month/year)
5. Who is your priority cohort?
6. How many referrals does the current service receive per month? (#/month)
7. How many re-referrals (individuals having previously used the same service in the last 3 years) do you receive per month?  (#/month)
8. How many FTEs do you have working exclusively on this service? (#)
9. How many external providers do you procure to deliver the service? (#)
10. What is the average length of the interventions or time on programme? (months per individual)
11. Do you measure success in the program? If yes, what is the KPI measured?
12. If yes to question 11 - what has been the performance over the last 3 years?

Response 21-08-2023

The response to your request can be found here.

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