FOI Request - Leisure Facilities

Request 101003395142

1. Could you give a breakdown of the number of fit-life memberships per leisure facility in Moray?

2. Could you give a breakdown of the number of annual users per leisure facility in Moray?

3. Could you give a breakdown of the number of annual users per swimming pool in Moray?

4. Could you give a breakdwon of the total income vs total expenditure per leisure facility in Moray, if this is not possible could you give a breakdown of the ammount subsidised per facility?

5. Could you give further information on plans to improve use of leisure facilities across Moray? Is there a link to an improvement plan we could read?

Response 06-10-2023

1. Please note for the family totals these are the primary member (account holder), the number of members per family membership are not accounted for in the figures below
Buckie Pool - Individual – 342, Family – 709
Elgin High – Individual – 13, Family – 29
Elgin CC – Individual – 9, Family – 44
Forres House CC – Individual – 25, Family – 35
Forres Pool – Individual – 400, Family – 774
Keith Pool – Individual – 347, Family – 601
Lossie Pool – Individual – 184, Family – 491
Milnes High – Individual – 55, Family – 64
Speyside Pool – Individual – 92, Family 243
Also worth noting that the above figures relate to the memberships that were taken out at each of these facilities and that are still currently ‘active’ as of August – this does not necessarily mean that these members actually use the facility that they took their membership out from – for example a member of the public may have taken a membership out at Keith Pool but because they work in Buckie they may use the Buckie facility predominantly due to the fact that our membership covers users for all the above facilities as well as Moray Leisure Centre.


In 2022/23
Pool figures shown below against Q3 plus;

Fitness Room
Buckie – 19,434
Elgin High – 3,671
Forres – 36,734
Keith – 20,167
Lossie – 18,905
Milnes – 6,468
Speyside – 4,633

Football Pitch Bookings (includes grass and astro pitches)
Please note these numbers are based on group bookings not actual participants
Buckie - 752
Elgin – 1,050
Keith - 455
Milnes - 105
Lossie - 495
Speyside - 471

Community Centre/Admission Figures (ie sports halls, meeting rooms)
Buckie – 10,727
Elgin High – 4,816
Elgin CC -  48,834
Forres House CC – 43,842
Forres Pool - 248
Keith – 11,530
Lossie – 5,968
Milnes - 513
Speyside – 7,227

3. In 2022/23
Buckie Pool – 73,960
Forres Pool – 65,643
Keith Pool – 44,569
Lossie Pool – 31,884
Speyside Pool – 20,583
Moray Leisure Centre – 172,395 (both pools)
Gordonstoun - unknown

4. The information requested can be found here.

5. • We have been implementing a Moray Sport & Leisure Business Plan between 2020-2023 which includes references etc to leisure facilities.  A link to this Plan can be found as follows
• We are currently in the midst or reviewing and resetting in regards to a strategic approach/plan moving forward for Moray in regards to physical activity in the widest sense.  
• We have also drafted a Sport & Leisure Capital Investment Plan for Moray – although this is very much in draft status and will not be finalised until the middle of 2024 at the earliest.  A link to the initial draft of this plan can be found at the following link - 

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