Moray Physical and Sensory Disability Strategy - what matters to you?


We want Moray to be a place where individuals of all ages with physical and sensory disabilities can live, learn, work and be as involved in their local community as they choose.

The Moray Council and NHS Grampian are working in partnership with people who have physical and/or sensory disabilities, their families, third sector and community groups along with anyone who has an interest, to make a new 10 year plan.

This plan, or strategy, will provide the framework for improving health and wellbeing. It will set the outcomes and priorities the community wants the council and NHS to work towards in order to support people to have better lives.

The first step in building the plan was to hear from people about what matters to them, what’s working well, what needs to change and what is missing in Moray.

They were invited to do this through an on-line/paper survey or by coming along to open discussion events.

The engagement stage ran from May until October.


We asked:

We wanted to know what supports people with physical and sensory disabilities to live as independently as they can in their communities and what are the barriers. We asked what services people use now, what's good about them, what could be improved and if there was anything missing. We asked about areas of priority and invited any other comments people wished to make.

You said:

One of the biggest issues is around transport and access. People want more awareness and education around the needs of people with physical and sensory impairment. 

We did:

We looked at the common themes which emerged from what people said. We took these to a number of strategy development days and focus groups which were open to all stakeholders, including those who took part in the initial stage, and started to build up the detail of the draft physical and sensory disability strategy.

The draft document is expected to be ready to go out for full consultation before the end of 2015.

It will be supported by a delivery plan with clear actions for each stakeholder to take forward and be accountable for. This will help us ensure that the outcomes and priorities are achieved and that we keep track of our progress.

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