Information for Homeowners

Find out about the services and support we can offer you in your home.

Scheme of assistance (SofA) for homeowners and private tenants in Moray (PDF).
Information on how we will provide advice, information and assistance to you as a home owner when carrying out work to your home.

Empty Homes
Find out how we can help owners of empty properties bring them back into use.

Moray Care & Repair - Practical Assistance (PDF)
Find out if you are eligible for assistance with repairs to your home.You must be a homeowner, liferenter or private tenant and over the age of 60 or disabled.

Moray Care & Repair - Disabled Adaptations (PDF)
Find out if you are eligible to receive support to get your home adapted to suit your needs.

Housing Options Guide
Information about the housing options available to you, including council housing, home ownership and mortgage/rent arrears advice.

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