Serious Concerns

A serious concern is where a social landlord:

  • acts in a way which puts tenants' interests at risk and this affects, or could affect a group of tenants or all tenants;
  • fails to meet the outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter or outcomes agreed locally with tenants;
  • has not reported its performance annually to tenants or the reported performance doesn't reflect actual performance;
  • fails to meet the Scottish Housing Regulator's (SHR) Regulatory Standards; or
  • has not met any targets set by the SHR.

If you are affected by a problem like this, you should report it to us.  If you have told us about it but we have not resolved it, then you can report it directly to the SHR. 

A complaint between an individual tenant and a landlord is not a serious concern.  The SHR website has an updated complaints and serious concerns factsheet for your information.

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