Common Repairs Policy - Section 8

8.    Emergency Repairs

8.1   In the case of an emergency common repair, the Council has a duty to make the property safe where there is a safety risk to a tenant or member of the public or if there is a potential for further damage. The Council will deliver notification of the emergency repair to the owner and proceed to make safe the repair. The Council will then write to the owner informing him/her of the cost of the recharge for the common repair for which he/she is liable.

8.2   Cartain emergency common repairs will also fall in to the Right to Repair category.  In this case the work will still be carried out within the set timescales, however, the tenants and owners will be informed of their rights under the Right to Repair legislation and an appropriate repairs receipt included within the letter.

8.3   Title deeds to properties sold by the Council reserve a right of access to the Council to sold houses at all reasonable times for inspecting, maintaining, repairing and renewing any adjoining Council property and the common parts, for all necessary purposes.

8.4   Where title deeds are silent, the Council must be able to prove that it has acted reasonably and that the emergency repair is justified to the owner involved.  

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