Discharging Planning Conditions

As of 20th June 2022 there will be a fee required for the submission of each request for the Discharge of Planning conditions (see table of fees).

The majority of detailed planning applications contain a number of suspensive planning conditions, pre-commencement conditions that must be complied with and discharged before any work commences on site and any other conditions that have discharge requirements i.e. prior to occupation or within a specific timescale.

There is a legal requirement to send us a Notification of Initiation of Development before you start development on site. You should only submit this once all suspensive planning conditions, pre-commencement conditions, have been discharged.

Development, work, can only commence once we have advised you that all conditions are discharged.

The form below “Discharge of Planning Conditions” should be completed and submitted along with the necessary supporting information via the e-planning portal for consideration by the Planning Officer who dealt with the original application where appropriate.  The formal discharging of planning conditions may be subject to consultation with other internal departments or external consultees.  Where prior discussion/agreement has been sought it would be helpful if a copy of this correspondence be attached alongside the form/drawings/supporting information.

- Discharging Planning Conditions form
- e-planning Scotland portal

Non-Material Variations

Fees for a variation request can be found on our list of fees. All requests must be made using our Non Material Variation form to detail minor changes after a planning decision has been made. Submit the form along with the amended plans through the planning portal.    The fees for these requests cannot be made through the planning portal so please see ways to pay detailed on the request form.

Non-material variations to previously approved schemes

If the changes you proposes do not significantly change the development proposal that was originally granted planning permission, you may be able to submit a “Non-material variation” rather than submitting an amended planning application.  The following criteria will be applied when assessing the non-material variation request:

• The change complies with development  plan policy

• The change does not affect any part of a development which has been specifically referred to in objections

• The change does not require neighbour notification in its own right

• The change does not require any additional planning conditions

Retrospective requests will be considered in the same way as a proposed request. You cannot use this process to apply to vary or remove conditions attached to an existing planning permission as the only way to do this is by making an application for Planning permission under Section 42 using the ePlanning.scot Portal.

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