Budget Consultation - Community Care

Budget Consultation for Community Care
Service &  Service DescriptionGross Expenditure £000sGross Income £000sNet £000s
Specialist Services - Learning Disability - This team arranges support for people with learning disabilities470(167)303
Maybank - Residential facility for people requiring intensive support services6030603
Barlink - Residential facility for people requiring intensive support services.511(17)494
Specialist Services - Mental Health - This team supports people with mental health need 589(21) 568 
Drug and Alcohol Services - This team supports people with drug and / or alcohol problems and their families856 (691) 165
Access  & Fieldwork Teams & Adult Protection - Assessment of people applying for social care or leaving hospital; support for people living in the community2,034  02,034 
Occupational Therapy - Provision of advice, aids and adaptations to support people living at home. 879 (10) 869
Joint Equipment Store/Community Alarm -  Provision of aids and adaptations to support people living at home. 240 (6) 234
Care at Home - Personal and other home care, mainly for older people. 8,480 (551) 7,929
Care Purchasing - Care home places, home care, day care, sheltered housing etc24,116(5,143)18,973
Day Care Services - Day Care Services for older people, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health needs. 1,876 (192) 1,684
Moray Employment & Training - Employment Services for adults with disabilities, long term health problems, drug / alcohol problems etc581  (484) 97
Moray Resource Centre - Support services for people with physical or sensory disabilities. 313 (19) 294
Taigh Farrais - Respite /short break accommodation, mainly for people with physical disabilities. 236(96)  140
Management, Strategy & Support & Change Fund - Management and administrative support.  Also 3 year funding from the government to assist with changing how community care services are provided. 2,517 (429) 2,088
 Total 44,301 (7,826) 36,475

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