Planning for Children and Young People with ASN

All children and young people need support to help them learn and develop. The needs of your child or young person should always be central to the identification, planning and provision of support.

We have a staged approach to assessment and intervention for children and young people. It is designed to be flexible to allow support to increase or reduce as a child or young person’s circumstances or needs change. Assessment and intervention is a collaborative process and must involve parents/carers, children, young people and other professionals. Throughout the stages, different levels and styles of planning are required. The Staged Intervention Process provides more information on this.

Find out more about plans that may be used:

Individualised Educational Programmes (IEP)
This is for children and young people with needs that require extensive modifications to the curriculum. It is a single agency plan which details the additional support needs and educational targets with the strategies and resources that will be used to achieve outcomes. Find out more about Individualised Educational Programmes

Child’s Plan
This is for children with needs that require support from more than one agency or service.  Support will be coordinated by a lead professional named in a plan which details the strengths and concerns of the child, current strategies, action plan and desired outcome. Find out more about Child’s Plan (PDF)

Coordinated Support Plan
This is for children who require significant levels of additional support from the Education Authority and from at least one other agency. Find out more about Coordinated Support Plans

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