Moray Tenants Forum

What do they do?

Moray Tenants Forum aim to improve housing services and conditions for our tenants.

We regularly consult with the Forum on changes to our service or other housing related matters.  

We support the Forum through grant funding, so you can get help with expenses such as travel or childcare costs.

Who are members?

Moray Tenants Forum is made up of Council tenants.  Housing staff and the Chair of the Housing and Community Safety Committee are invited to attend.  The group also invite along guest speakers to talk about topics that tenants would like to find out more about.

Why get involved?

With Council budgets being stretched and some services experiencing cuts it is a good time to get involved. The Forum gives you the opportunity to influence future decisions and improve housing services. You could really make a difference to your community. 

When do they meet?

The Forum usually meet every few months. There is the option to join the meeting either in-person or online. Please let us know if you are interested in attending the Forum. The meetings are informal and friendly. 

The next Forum meeting is on 27 August 2024 from 11am to 1pm at The Activities Room, Elgin Library. Lunch is provided after the meeting. Please contact us on 0300 123 4566 or email if you are interested in taking part either in-person or online.

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